What to Expect


1) Getting To The appointment:

Nest Physiotherapy is located with CoWorks Elevate. Check out our directions and parking information on how to get there.

2) Paperwork:

When you first arrive you will be greet by the lovely receptionist at CoWorks. On your first visit you will need to complete the intake form and sign a consent form. Sometimes I will have you complete a pain questionnaire to give me more information regarding your injury. You may complete the intake form ahead of time. Keep an eye out in your email inbox for the link.

3)Your Story:

After the paperwork is completed, we sit down together and you tell me your story about your injury, your medical history, your lifestyle, and your goals.

4) The Assessment:

Once I have a picture of who you are, we complete a thorough, targeted hands-on assessment together to find the root cause of your symptoms.

5)Physiotherapy Diagnosis:

After the assessment, we sit down and review all the findings of the assessment so you understand your own body better.


Every treatment is different and individualized. However, your treatment plan may include manual therapy, Active Release Techniques, Neurokinetic Therapy, Acupuncture, or Pregnancy/Postpartum Care. Check out more about these treatment styles.


Every assessment is concluded with a home based exercise program and education on how to manage your symptoms. I want to empower you to be your own health advocate.

8)Follow up Appointments:

Every follow up appointment is a mini version of the assessment. We review how your symptoms have changed, re-assess to see what has changed, treat your injury and send you own with some homework.

Please reach out to me if you have any further questions. I love chatting with clients.