Virtual Physiotherapy
Virtual or telerehabilitation appointments will resume. If you do not require an in-person appointment, I encourage you to book a virtual appointment.
I will have I will have 10 minute breaks between clients to allow for adequate time to change PPE, wash hands, and clean clinic space between each client.
Self Screen for Symptoms
Patients are asked to complete a self screen for CoVid-19 symptoms prior to every appointment. This screening will be emailed to you 2 hours prior to your appointment. I ask that you cancel your appointment if you are displaying the following symptoms:
shortness of breath
sore throat
painful swallowing
stuffy or runny nose
loss of sense of smell
muscle aches
loss of appetite
If you have been travelling outside of Canada or in contact with someone with a known CoVid case, you are asked to self isolate for 14 days.
You will not be charged the cancellation fee if you are feeling unwell.
Telerehabilitation appointments are available for those individuals who have any of these symptoms.
If you are displaying any of the above symptoms, please go to a screening centre to get tested for CoVid-19 prior to resuming physiotherapy. A screening checklist and screening centre locations can be found at
Please stay home for 10 days after the start of your symptoms. Physiotherapy in person can resume if you no longer have a fever and are feeling better.
I will be screening myself for the above symptoms daily. Should I or a member of my family start displaying any of the above symptoms, I will cancel in-person appointments for 10-14 days as directed by HealthLinkBC.
Personal Protective Equipment
I require all patient’s to wear masks when they come in for their appointments.
I will be wearing a surgical mask for all patients.
Hand Hygiene
All patients are asked to sanitize or wash their hands at the start of their appointments.
Cleaning and Disinfectants
All surfaces or equipment used for appointments will be cleaned between patients.
All commonly touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, telephones, keyboards, screens, pens, and washrooms will be cleaned frequently at a minimum of twice per day.
I am using a medical grade cleaner that is approved for use against CoVid-19 as per Health Canada.
We will be reducing the use of all fabrics including pillows, hand towels, and throw cushions.
Reduce The Spread of CoVid-19
If you need to cough or sneeze, do so into your elbow.
Wash your hands immediately after coughing or sneezing.
Throw away tissues into the garbage can immediately.
Avoid touching your face.
Do not share food or drinks.